Guaranteed to Keep-The Only Resolution You Need to Make

Do you make a New Year’s Resolution?  And if do, are you known to keep it?

Is it a Resolution or a Goal?

I have always been a goal setter, no matter what time of year it is.  Maybe it’s my background in teaching where we always had to set goals and outcomes for the lessons.  Or maybe from my time in sales where they would always set a yearly goal set for us.

Either way, I do love and have always loved having something to work toward….even if it’s not formally named a resolution.  Whether it was a fitness goal or a travel goal, I love to map out a plan and then fully enjoy it when I reach the goal.  

For example, one goal of mine is to visit every Major League Baseball Stadium and in a perfect world, watch the White Sox play there.  But that can’t be done in one year, so each year I map out which stadiums I want to visit for the year, book the travel, take in every inch of the stadium loving every minute and then go to my master list and put a checkmark next to it.  Some might call this a bucket list item and either way, bucket list or goal or resolution, they all practically work the the same way, right?

My resolution:  to visit every Major League Baseball stadium and this is #16.

Somewhere along the lines, though, I decided that there were certain types of goals that I would not set with the intention of working toward it and then crossing it off the list.  These were goals that needed to be set and kept forever.

And that is when Bubbly Side of Life was born…

I used to be the person who saved the expensive bottle of bubbly for the “perfect” occasion.  Or the dinnerware for the “perfect” celebration…have you read about the Tinker Bell plate story yet?

The infamous Tinker Bell plate!

I would literally hold on to things for YEARS and even move them across the country with me because I was waiting for that moment.  In fact, I would even buy similar things to use in its place while I was waiting for the perfect moment to get out the good stuff.  

And the day finally came when I realized there is no perfect moment.  There is no perfect celebration.  

It was a hard lesson to learn, you know since I had been toting those Tinkerbell plates around for 20 years, but one that smacked me in the face and woke me right up.  

And when I was told that I couldn’t celebrate because the job I did wasn’t good enough, I vowed to never again wait for that moment.  

You see, at the time I was working in corporate sales and they set a goal for me of 33% and I hit 92%.  I was so excited and ready to pop the bubbly and celebrate that accomplishment and they told me it wasn’t 100% so it wasn’t quite good enough yet.  

When you are proud of an accomplishment or reach a milestone you’ve been striving for, get engaged, break up with someone…no matter what it is, it’s yours to celebrate right then and there.  POP the bubbly and enjoy the moment.

Why do we wait?  

Who told us we had to wait?  I don’t know the answers to either of those, but I feel like it was always my understanding.  It was things like when I got a new job, I didn’t celebrate until all of my girlfriends could get together and go out to dinner (oh those were the days, huh?). Why didn’t I just pop the bubbly, celebrate right then and there and then enjoy a night out with my girlfriends and celebrate again?  I mean that really is a better scenario, isn’t it?  Two celebrations rather than one?  

Resolution:  to just embrace the celebration and do it everyday!

Not to mention, doesn’t the excitement wear off a little bit by the time you gather all of the girls together?  I mean that could be weeks or a month.  Sure, it’s exciting that you have this new opportunity, this new adventure, but it would be a lot more fun to celebrate when you’re at the height of the excitement. 

2021 Resolution

So this year, as always, I challenge you to make one resolution that you will most definitely keep all year long.  And that is to Celebrate ALL the Moments.  Big and small.  No matter if you’re surrounded by your best friends and family or are alone.  Pop your favorite bottle and celebrate.

It doesn’t matter if this is a life changing moment like a move across the country, a major promotion or landing your dream job or something that you personally are proud of, an accomplishment you’ve made, they are all equally worthy of a celebration.  

And no, you don’t have to pop open a full bottle of bubbly every time, although we wouldn’t blame you if you did (or heck grab some splits or half bottles just for these occasions), but to acknowledge moment and embrace it in celebration.  

Because, when you embrace that everyday moments are worthy of celebration, then you will find more everyday moments are deserving of celebration.

We call this The Celebration Effect. The moral of the story is that you don’t have to wait for a near-catastrophe to be averted, or good news to land in your lap to open a bottle of bubbly and celebrate. At the Bubbly Side of Life, this is our way of life.

Will you commit to making this your 2021 resolution?  I want you to go to my last Instagram post and comment “I commit to the Bubbly Side 2021 Resolution!”

Want More

When you want to pop a bubble (or can) of bubbly for an occasion, but don’t want to open a regular size bottle, check out our review of the best canned sparkling wines

Shop splits at two of our favorite wineries (both very different too): Wilson Creek Winery and Varnum Vintners.  If you want to read our thoughts on these two wineries, check out the reviews here.  

If you want to pop that bottle (and we support that decision), read about champagne spoon for the leftovers. 

Want to learn more about Bubbly Side of Life?  The Bubbly Side of Life Story

Ready to celebrate?

Host your next meeting, networking event, or celebration in our exclusive space designed to celebrate all the moments in your life.

Pop the bubbly!

Whether you’re a sparkling wine enthusiast or exploring bubbly for the first time, our expert-led tastings are tailored to make every sip memorable. Perfect for celebrations & more.

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